Natalie Haydel Barker

The Resurrection Original




24" x 24"


It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that I am responsible for fixing everything and everyone. Stress and anxiety set in because I cannot find enough time in the day to accomplish the long list of both necessary and unnecessary things to finish or fix. The Resurrection gives me the permission to stop. To trust. To believe that nothing is more powerful than God and no one is more capable than He.

What a relief! To know that He has conquered it all and that none of it really rests in my hands.

When I get overwhelmed by the demands of life or endure suffering of any kind – physical, mental, or emotional – it is easy to forget that the Lord reigns, and that He has already won.

Risen Lord, the joyful message is that suffering and death were not the end. You rose triumphantly in a new and glorified body, opening the door for all who believe in You to do the same. Draw me in, dear Lord, to Your suffering and death so that I may also be drawn into the glory of Your Resurrection. Give me courage and strength to face the crosses in my life. And, as I do, fill me with hope as I anticipate the new life You will bring inside of me from all of my sufferings united to You.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” – John 11:25-26


This painting comes with a certificate of authenticity.