Natalie Haydel Barker

Saint Anne Bookmark




Saint Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is a model of faith, wisdom, and maternal love. Though little is known about her life, her profound role in God’s plan as the grandmother of Jesus and the mother of Mary makes her a powerful intercessor for families, mothers, and those seeking to grow in holiness. This bookmark features an image of Saint Anne, reminding us of her deep devotion to God and her nurturing care for Mary, who would become the Mother of God.

Place this bookmark in your Bible, prayer book, or daily reading as a reminder to turn to Saint Anne in prayer, asking for her intercession and guidance in raising children, nurturing relationships, and living a life of faith. Whether for yourself or as a thoughtful gift for a mother, grandmother, or anyone seeking the strength to walk in God’s will, this bookmark is a beautiful way to honor Saint Anne’s legacy and seek her loving protection and prayers.


Prayer on the back:

Memorare to St. Anne • Remember, O Good Saint Anne, whose name means grace and mercy, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, and sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I come before you, sinful and sorrowful. Holy mother of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and loving grandmother of the Savior, do not reject my appeal, but hear me and answer my prayer. Amen


Our bookmarks are printed double-sided with original artwork featured on the front and a prayer or quote on the back, printed with a high quality laminate at 2" x 8" and come with a matching ribbon.