40" x 60"
Everything that Jesus did was directed toward the Father. He did not live independently from God and His entire life modeled what it means to live in complete obedience and surrender to the Father’s will – sometimes living on sheer faith, whatever that cost may be. Jesus walking on water directs our faith toward a God who can make a way when a way seems out of reach, daunting, or even impossible.
Saying yes to this painting honestly felt a lot like Jesus calling me out of the boat and onto the water. I have never used oil paint before and I have no idea why He pushed me to do so. And, to be honest, this was incredibly difficult to execute. A lot of mistakes. A lot of learning curves. I doubted myself prob 50 times and heard a whisper in my head over and over that said “you can’t do this. You’re not this talented of an artist”. I even texted my team midway through saying, “I’m in over my head”. I suppose that’s the lesson here - that when He calls us out of the boat, we can be scared and nervous and unsure - even doubt & give way to the voice of the enemy — we may even be in over our heads sometimes, but He isn’t. There isn’t anything He can’t do through us or for us. If we fix our eyes on Him, we will see that with Him, anything is possible.
I truly believe my faith in His hands guiding mine is what brought this piece to completion. One of those “I didn’t paint that, He did” paintings ya know? And I wish you could feel how humbling that is in my heart. I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face, I’m a hot mess broken as heck human doing her best to follow Jesus in a broken world. I’m just so honored that He chooses me to do His work through art. Thank you Lord for letting me be your instrument 
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” - Matthew 14:27
This painting comes with a certificate of authenticity.